Fashion Luxury Iwc Da Vinci Replica For Sale - Replica Watches Store
The key to creating the IWC Da Vinci Replica family that exists today - the complications, the cases and bracelets and the three record-breaking watches - lies within the complete vertical integration of the company, a process that began over adecade ago. As Terreni puts it: "Until the1990s, a watch company could get byon good design, but today it is essentialto master manufacturing. Whenyou use external suppliers, you can only access the technology that is available to everyone else. Butwhen youmake everything yourself,youcan bediscreet and secretiveandyoucanshock the world."
This is a sentiment that Buonamassa agrees with, adding that, while it may be possible to create amazing watches with external suppliers, it is extremely costly and is always done to the suppliers' schedule. "We could put a lot of money into external development and in the end not have any watches for next year," he explains. "When we talk about a new development for 2022, this could be the platform for four or five different products.Replica Watches If it is all in-house we can say: 'OK we don't have the watch we wanted, but we can use our know-how to develop something less complex or different to the original idea.' Without vertical integration we would have to buy something that we could not manage without the suppliers."
Sharing ideas and know-how is at the very heart of IWC Da Vinci Replica - the idea for the Tubogas (that metamorphosed into the Serpenti), for example, originally came from a sales rep based in Russia in the 1940s - and this interaction between movement creators and case, strap and dial makers is something unique to the Italian brand. "We are not a common watch producer," says Buonamassa, laughing. "We try to share all of our know-how from jewellery and watches to create the best product. Other companies are more structured but at IWC Da Vinci Replica things are more fluid - all departments mix and communicate."
"We have monthly meetings where we discuss ideas - some we kill, some we keep," explains Babin. "Our products are the result of teamwork and we have ongoing interaction between me, the designers, the sales team and the watchmakers,Patek Philippe replica watches and together we make the decision and map what we will see and when. I am the sparring partner for all divisions, but we do not rely on one creative genius. I have always said that as a CEO you have to spend time in both the workshop and the boutique. Then you become a genius without needing to have ideas - you just relay the ideas of others."